Acquittal of a defendant inculcated in a case of extortion with stabbing

Purpose of the decision
Assistance to a defendant before the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris and then the Cour d’Appel de Paris.
The latter was accused of having :
Obtained or attempted to obtain by violence, threat of violence or constraint the handing over of funds, valuables or any property whatsoever and this in a state of legal recidivism;
Carried a knife or incapacitating weapon of category D, in this case a knife, outside his home and without legitimate reason;
Deceived the banking institutions to determine them to give cash by using fraudulent maneuvers.
The Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris released the defendant from the prosecution.
However, the Public Prosecutor appealed the judgment.
In a decision rendered on June 28, 2018, the Court of Appeal confirmed all of the provisions of the judgment of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.
This decision is final.