French Criminal Law lawyer

Police Court, Criminal Court, Crown Court, legal information, investigation, police custody, sentence adjustment, detention pending trial, request for release, pre-conviction hearing, criminal composition, free hearing... Our lawyers intervene in every type of criminal trial.

What’s criminal law?

Criminal law is one of the fundamentals of law, defined by the Penal Code.It punishes the various crimes, misdemeanors and related offences, within the competent courts. Criminal law lays down the rules for any behaviour or offences that run counter to social order. It determines the penalties to be imposed on the perpetrators of crimes or offences. The aim of such framework is to eradicate dangerous behaviour in society, or at least to limit it as far as possible. Generally speaking, criminal law concerns the relationship between society and the individual. This branch differs from civil law as civil law focuses on relationships between individuals and/or legal entities. Criminal law, on the other hand, confronts the accused with society. Thus, the aim is to preserve public order and the safety of individuals and their property. There are specific branches of criminal law, including business criminal law and tax criminal law.

Business criminal law

The business criminal law comprises all legal rules relating to criminal offenses applied to the business world. It also comprises all the economic rules than can be penalised. The business criminal law may concern: – Companies owners who have committed misuse of corporate assets, swindles, breach of trust, tax evasion, etc.); – Companies which have been victim of misappropriation, theft, etc.; – Offenses made by companies (deceptive commercial practices, etc.).

Tax criminal law

The tax criminal law concerns different tax reduction forms. This speciality of the law foresees sanctions against companies and individuals who attempt to evade their duty to pay tax.


Our victories in criminal law

Our dedicated team of lawyers work tirelessly to defend your interests, providing you with tailored legal solutions and high-quality representation


Support in criminal proceedings

Goldwin lawyers firm is by your side at each stage of the criminal proceedings. Whether you are due to be brought up for immediate trial or be the subject of a police investigation, our skilled lawyers are at your disposal.


Criminal proceedings take place as follows:

  • Investigation: depending on the case – free hearing, police custody, detention pending trial or correctional or criminal indictment.
  • Decision: Appearance before the appropriate Court to deal with your case.
  • Execution of sentence

Whether you are involved for an offense or a crime, our lawyers help you to know what your case’s stakes are. We support you at every stage of the proceedings and we develop a strategy linked with your interests.


The investigation starts with police custody and a free hearing. You may decide to call on a criminal lawyer at this moment.

Then, the inquiry (correctional or criminal indictment).

Finally, the accused is remanded in custody.


The decision stage takes place as follows:

  • Appearance before the Police Court
  • Appearance before the Juvenile Courts
  • Appearance before the Correctional Court (Tribunal Correctionnel)  and the Court of Appeal.
  • Appearance before the Criminal Court (Cour d’assises)

Whichever court is involved, your lawyer will accompany you and defend you before the magistrate.


Your lawyer can also advise you and defend you in detention litigation (Disciplinary board, transfer, etc.) and for the enforcement of sentences. Generally, the aim here is to obtain a reduced sentence.

The criminal law lawyer defends individuals suspected of criminal offenses before the appropriate Court . They appear before the French criminal jurisdictions (Cour d’assises, Tribunal de police et Tribunal correctionnel).They intervene on behalf of their clients in trials in which individuals are accused of serious offences. As a result, the client is exposed to prison sentences, sometimes considerable ones. A criminal lawyer is familiar with the types of crime covered by criminal law, the associated penalties, the mitigating circumstances that may apply, etc.. A criminal lawyer specialises in crimes. These crimes may be committed against a natural or legal person, or against a person’s property. The status of the natural or legal person facing criminal proceedings may be that of respondent or victim.

To choose the appropriate criminal law lawyer, it’s essential to know the experience and the expertise area of the lawyer. A good criminal law lawyer must know the Penal Code perfectly and all the offenses, either crimes against people (assault, rapes, homicides…) or against property (theft, swindles, breach of trust). He has to master criminal proceedings and know how to defend you efficiently at every stage: during the investigation (police custody, examination), before appropriate Courts (Criminal Courts, court of appeal…) and for the execution of the sentence (sentence reduction, early release…). Question him about his previous cases. An experienced and renowned lawyer in this complex domain of the law will know how to promote your interests and your rights perfectly.

Criminal law lawyer fees depend on several factors as the complexity of the case, time spent of the file, the reputation and the lawyer’s experience. Generally, a criminal lawyer charges a hourly rate (from 150€ to more than 500€ per hour depending on the years of experience), or a flat rate for all the proceedings. This fee can vary from a few thousand euros for a simple case tried in an immediate court appearance, to several tens of thousands of euros for a complex criminal case requiring many hours of work and pleaded before a Criminal Court (Cour d’Assises). In some cases, the lawyer may also ask for a success fee in the event of a favourable outcome. It is important to discuss fees transparently with your lawyer from the outset of the relationship, in order to draw up a fee agreement and avoid any unpleasant surprises.Legal aid may cover all or part of the lawyer’s fees, subject to a means test.

They trusted us

Brilliant team. It’s a pleasure to work with a skilled, efficient and reliable law firm. Cases are taken VERY seriously. Jonathan and his associates are extremely efficient. I highly recommend them.

Alexandre Chombeau

Maitre Jonathan Bellaiche, the firm founder, is more than a lawyer, he’s a strategist, a chess player with a long-term vision who anticipates everything.

Thanks to him and his team.

Yanis Abbas

Responsiveness, a sense of service, determination and mastery of the subject… proven on several cases.

François T.

A golden law firm! Maître Zahedi, Maître Bellaiche and all the firm’s associates make up a great team of efficiency, integrity, professionalism and responsiveness. It’s great to be able to count on professionals who are committed and exemplary, adapting to often tight deadlines. With this law firm you can sleep soundly and peacefully, I fully recommend it and would like to thank Maître Zahedi once again for his efficiency and exemplary handling of our case.

Cécile LEDUC

Very warm welcome. A very straightforward professional. Very attentive and selfless. Very efficient. Many thanks.

Philippe J.

Magnificent firm 100% success on my procedures

Alex A.

The Goldwin firm,
met my expectations in more than just a professional way, we’re talking human here. Not paternalistic, the firm was able to answer questions, without fault, in an honest way, and this without prejudice, by principle of the laws, by principle simply. Thank you for everything.

Aby Turpin