Condemnation of the HEETCH platform and its managers - GOLDWIN Avocats
French Transport Law lawyer -  March 2, 2017  -  Paris tribunal de grande instance

Condemnation of the HEETCH platform and its managers

Condemnation of the HEETCH platform and its managers
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Purpose of the decision

The Criminal Court severely condemned the HEETCH platform, bringing together drivers and passengers and its managers, in the judgment rendered on March 2, 2017.

In fact, the Tribunal has, in particular:

On public action:
Declared the platform and its leaders guilty of:
Deceptive Marketing Practices
Illegal organization of a system for bringing customers into contact with persons engaged in the road transport of persons for valuable consideration in vehicles with less than ten seats
Complicity in the illegal exercise of the activity of taxi operator: lack of parking authorization on the lane open to public traffic waiting for customers
Sentenced the platform to pay a fine of 200,000 euros
Sentenced each of the leaders to pay a fine of 10,000 euros
On civil action:
Condemned the three defendants jointly and severally to pay the sum of 300 euros in damages to the civil parties listed under the terms of the judgment for compensation for their non-pecuniary damage as well as various sums under Article 475-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
Condemned jointly and severally on the three defendants to pay each of the ten civil parties representing the taxi profession the sum of 800 euros in damages in compensation for their moral prejudice and in solidum, the sum of 2,400 euros under article 475 -1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
Ordered provisional execution

This decision is final.

The lawyer in charge of the case


Founder of the firm