Conviction of a “VTC” platform and its leaders

Purpose of the decision
On June 9, 2016, the Paris Correctional Court sentenced a VTC Platform as well as its managers.
Indeed, the Court has, in particular:
On the public action:
Declared the VTC Platform guilty of:
Deceptive commercial practice by a legal entity
Complicity in the illegal exercise of the activity of cab operator: absence of authorization to park on the road open to public traffic while waiting for customers
Illegal organization by a legal person of a system of putting in contact customers with persons who engage in the road transport of persons for payment in a vehicle of less than ten seats
Automatic processing of personal data without prior declaration to the CNIL
Unlawful recording or storage of personal data concerning an offence, conviction or security measure
Ordered the VTC Platform to pay a fine of 800,000 euros
Declared the managers of the VTC Platform guilty of :
Deceptive commercial practice
Complicity in the illegal exercise of the activity of cab operator: absence of authorization to park on the road open to public traffic while waiting for customers
Illegal organization of a system for putting customers in contact with persons who engage in the road transport of persons for payment with vehicles with less than ten seats
Unlawful recording or storage of personal data concerning an offense, conviction or security measure
Ordered the directors to pay a fine of 30,000 euros for one and 20,000 euros for the other
On the civil action:
Ordered the directors and the VTC Platform jointly and severally to pay the civil parties 800 euros in compensation for their non-material damage and 200 euros under Article 475-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
Provisional execution
The opposing party has filed an appeal.