- French Business Law lawyer
Business law lawyer
Commercial litigation, drafting of business contracts, unpaid bills, creation of companies, unfair competition, opening of insolvency proceedings, creation of a distribution network, development of innovative projects, personnel management, search for commercial premises, growth in international, website creation, the firm’s lawyers are renowned partners of excellence in supporting professionals.
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A partner of professionals, the Firm works alongside these clients and provides them with legal advice on all aspects of their activity.
Business life is constantly on the move. Professionals must therefore follow this development so as not to be overtaken by the competition. Thus, in the event of the unforeseen, it is necessary to deal with them by providing a rapid response and not hampering the smooth running of the business. In order to meet the legal needs of businesses, the assistance of a lawyer is an alternative that saves precious time and avoids getting bogged down in time-consuming and costly legal or even legal consequences for the company. The Firm, through its knowledge of the business world, and its experience alongside its professional clients, ensures a meticulous follow-up of your files and a responsive response to your legal issues.
The activity of a company is made up of a multitude of subjects, calling for a specific response. Indeed, business law is a complex law, and one which tends to become even more so, in that it covers a variety of different rights, each with its own rules which are the subject of regular legislative developments. Faced with this dense and very specific legislative arsenal, the advice of a lawyer appears to be a necessity in order to provide solutions adapted to the needs of the company.
The Firm’s lawyers have expertise in various areas of business law, avoiding a multiplication of stakeholders. Thanks to the diversity of its expertise, the Firm monitors all the activity of its clients, allowing it to know the latter, the challenges of their activity, and thus provide them with advice adapted to their situation.
The Firm supports its professional clients throughout the life of the company and in all aspects of their activity in order to provide advice and resolve their legal issues:
- company law, from the creation of a company to the management of relations between partners, including management. The constitution of a company is a decisive stage in the life of a business, ensuring it a legal framework allowing it to develop. Drafting of articles of association, shareholders’ agreements, general meetings … The management of a company calls for regular legal monitoring. The Firm’s mission is to know its clients, to ensure this follow-up and to be able to provide the answers adapted to their needs.payroll management and labor relations. The activity of companies relies on their employees. Thus, any conflict with these can have serious consequences for the entire company. Drafting of contractual documents, management of redundancies, contractual termination, resignation, relationship with wage organizations, negotiation of wage conditions, the Firm supports you in your matters of social law.
commercial leases. Developing a professional activity involves finding premises suited to your needs. The Firm is at your side during the negotiation of your lease, its conclusion, but also any difficulties that may arise during its execution.
intellectual property law. The Firm ensures the protection of your know-how. In order to defend your interests and ensure the sustainability of your business, it is necessary to protect what makes it famous. Through patents, trademark registration, distinctive signs… your activity must be able to receive the fruits of your labor. Combating malicious practices, whether it is website infringement, copyright infringement, or unfair competition, a legal response remains the best way to stop an infringement of your rights. The Firm is committed to defending your interests by providing you with all of its expertise.
- entering a market and managing competition. The launch of an activity and its development presupposes the acquisition of market share. Such a process is framed by very precise rules for the application of which the recourse to a lawyer is an alternative often making it possible to avoid the sanction. These rules also ensure the protection of your interests, by sanctioning malicious competitors who wish to damage your reputation or take advantage of your success. The Firm supports you in defining a legal strategy adapted to your commercial policy and ensures the defense of your interests.
franchise and distribution law. The firm’s lawyers assist you in the development of your activity. This very often involves the creation of distribution networks that need to be organized. The assistance of a lawyer ensures your legal security within this network. Transmission of know-how, drafting of a commercial contract, search for a business fund, exit from the network are all stages in which the Firm uses its experience in distribution to ensure the smooth running of your relationship. commercial.
criminal law of business affairs. Fraud, abuse of corporate assets, insider trading … offenses against company managers or directors are technical. The intervention of a lawyer, more than an alternative, appears to be a necessity in the event of litigation before a criminal court. The Firm is made up of lawyers specializing in criminal business law who have full legitimacy to represent you before the competent courts.
management of the difficulties of your business. The life of business is punctuated by obstacles that can jeopardize the activity of your company. Thus, resolving these obstacles quickly and with appropriate legal means is often decisive for the future of your business. The Firm, through its knowledge of your business, supports you in resolving the difficulties encountered in your activity.
If the life of companies is marked by common milestones, their activity is varied and calls for specific reasoning and legal choices. The firm also adapts to the needs and specifics of the activity of its clients. Indeed, the Firm is committed to supporting you in the areas that concern you:
development of innovative projects. The Firm supports you in the development of new technologies in order to secure your project by providing suitable legal solutions and anticipating any legislative changes that could affect it.
internet activity. Recent law, the Firm is one of the first to have developed a specialty in Internet law. Site creation and protection, drafting of general conditions of use, legal notices, are all subjects on which the Firm provides you with advice.
carriers. At the crossroads of many rights, the carrier activity calls for in-depth legal expertise that the Firm has consistently put to the benefit of these clients. Specialists in transport issues, the Firm’s Lawyers provide you with advice tailored to your needs.
self-employed. Undertaking alone obeys a special legal regime, the complexity of which can discourage independent professionals. The firm’s lawyers are recognized experts in supporting freelancers who will know how to put their expertise to your advantage.
public markets. Your activity may lead you to win a public contract, requiring specialized legal support, an area of expertise that has made the reputation of the Firm.
In addition, the growth of a business sometimes calls for international development. However, such an extension requires knowledge of foreign rights as well as independent commercial practices. While the use of a foreign lawyer is legitimate, it is often costly and complex, especially as the language barrier turns out to be a hindrance to the progress of the case. With its expertise in international law and with lawyers registered at the New York Bar, the Firm supports its clients in their international projects.
Business life is not free from conflicts, which are real obstacles to activity, which can sometimes paralyze the latter. Thus, the assistance of a lawyer is an alternative which often proves decisive in the resolution of the dispute. By his status, the lawyer is legitimate to find a quick solution to the cause of the disagreement, and if necessary, to determine the litigation strategy most suited to its resolution.
The Firm is a recognized expert in commercial litigation and supports its clients in defining this strategy. In the event that the means of amicable resolution of the disagreement fail, the Firm ensures the representation of its clients before the competent courts. The Firm supports and advises companies in their actions, pre-litigation or litigation.