- French Criminal Law lawyer
Criminal law lawyer
Police court, criminal court, assize court, judicial information, investigation, police custody, sentence adjustment, pre-trial detention, request for release, CRPC, penal composition, free hearing, our lawyers intervened in the trials. most important in business criminal law
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From the police or gendarmerie investigation to the appearance before the competent judge, the Cabinet intervenes at all stages of the criminal procedure:
The investigative phase, ranging from police custody or open hearing to litigation over pre-trial detention, including the investigation (or indictment, whether it be correctional or criminal)
The trial phase, that is to say the appearance before the competent court (Assize Court, Criminal Court, juvenile courts, Police court, Court of Appeal)
The execution phase of the sentence, relating to the dispute over detention and / or that of the application of sentences
Questioned or victims of contraventions, misdemeanors or crimes, the Cabinet intercedes on your behalf to help you understand the issues at stake in your case. In addition, he guides you through the various stages of the procedure, while advising you in the preparation of an effective strategy that guarantees your interests.
Police custody and free hearing
The investigation (correctional indictment or criminal indictment)
Pre-trial detention litigation
Appearance before the Police Court
Appearance before juvenile courts
Appearance before the Criminal Court and the Court of Appeal
Appearance before the Assize Court
Detention litigation (Disciplinary committees, transfers, etc.)
The litigation of the application of penalties.