Urban planning lawyer - GOLDWIN Avocats
  • French Public Law lawyer

Urban planning lawyer

The Firm has recognized expertise in urban planning law and assists its clients in all issues relating to this matter.

Urban planning lawyer

Thus, the Firm assists clients both in the constitution of urban planning files and all the related administrative procedures, as well as in the context of urban planning law disputes, and in particular those relating to requests. cancellation of town-planning documents (building permits, work authorizations, development authorizations, etc.) or administrative decisions refusing to issue town-planning authorizations.

The Cabinet defends both petitioners and third parties for planning authorizations so that it has an overview allowing it to define a precise strategy and to best defend the interests of each party.

Likewise, the Firm intervenes in the study of the legality of local urban plans and assists many clients in the context of disputes and issues relating to local urban plans (PLU, PLUI), in particular for disputes concerning modification or revision of PLU, modifications of urban planning zoning, disputes over classification or downgrading of zones.

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