French Contract Law lawyer

Contract law concerns the daily life deeds of  the private individuals and companies. Indeed, from the ticket transport purchase to a company sale's negotiation, economic operators sign contracts at all hours. For your lease commercial contract negotiation, the distribution contract drafting or the recovery of your debt, take advantage of our comprehensive legal assistance. Your expert lawyer in contract law assists you in advisory and litigation.

What is the contracts law?

The French Civil Code defines a contract as an agreement of wills that creates obligations between two or more people. Contracts law, on the other hand, refers to all the legal rules governing contracts, whether civil or commercial. Contracts law covers the creation, modification, execution and termination of contracts. A highly technical subject, contract law has been enriched over time. It has been the subject of numerous modifications by the legislator, the latest major reform being that carried by the ruling of February 10th, 2016, then the ratification law of April 20, 2018. Contracts come up in many areas of our daily lives, both personally and professionally:

  • Services provision: phone contracts, catering, home help, etc.
  • Purchasing consumer goods;
  • Renting real estate: residential or professional leases;
  • Real estate purchase or sale;
  • Setting up a legal entity: company, business, association;
  • marriage or divorce conditions.

While negotiating and writing an agreement, you resort to contracts law. The aim is to ensure that the commitment is made in good faith by both parties, and that the conditions of validity of the contract are respected. Also, contracts law concerns the performance of the contractual commitment: its effects and the penalties for non-performance. In this way, your lawyer can intervene when you notice a contractual breach giving rise to a dispute concerning a product or service defect or a defect payment, for example.

Why call on your contracts lawyer?

Writing your contracts with your expert contracts lawyer

Fundamental concerning the organisation of the economic life, a contract is an agreement between two parties. But, writing a contract is not something you can improvise, and needs a particular attention to ensure its legal conformity! Contracts law concerns as private individuals between them (private law), as private individuals in their relationship with a company (consumer law), as companies (commercial law) or as companies in their relationship with their partners (labor law, for example).   Call on your expert lawyer to help you avoid making mistakes when writing your contract:

  • Mandatory information;
  • Essential contractual clauses, depending on the nature of the contract;
  • Writing the parties’ commitments;
  • Guarantees.

The main objective of your lawyer’s work is to secure your contractual position and avoid any loss of time or money.

Securing your contractual position with your lawyer

From writing contracts to defending clients’ interests before Courts, the lawyer’s role is to guarantee the contractual security of the person he/she is assisting. His/her work helps to protect transactions and prevent litigation. For example, let’s take the example of an advice given to a lessor: the lawyer ensures the tenant’s solvency beforehand, and implements all the necessary guarantees to ensure that the lessor is not harmed. Your expert lawyer pays particular attention to specific clauses, which can have important consequences for both parties. These clauses may concern confidentialityguarantees, the liability of the parties or the conditions for breaching the agreement. To call on Goldwin lawyer’s firm is the guarantee of a contract that :

  • Meets fairness requirements
  • Limits legal risks;
  • Reinforces confidence in the relationship between the parties.

Your contracts lawyer assists companies in negotiating and executing contracts setting guidelines for their relations with their clients, suppliers, partners and employees. He/she uses multidisciplinary skills in civil law, commercial law, corporate law, intellectual property law and European and international law. Contact your expert in contracts law and take advantage from personalised support for your case.


Your contracts lawyer is specialised in all the private and public law contracts legal issues. He/she intervenes as in family law, for divorce or inheritance, as in business law for your company’s life.

When should you call on your contracts lawyer?

Whether between private individuals or between professionals, the involvement of your contracts lawyer is essential to the legal security and your relationships. He/she can identify the stakes agreement you sign and to limit the risks. Crucial for your company in your company’s relations with employees, clients or providers, the lawyer is just as much with a private individual. Take advantage of his/her comprehensive skills to ensure :

  • Solid contracts that are 100% in line with the parties’ expectations;
  • Verification of mandatory clauses and conformity of agreements;
  • Negotiation of specific clauses on the best terms for you or your company;
  • Compliance with GDPR requirements.

In this way, we advise our customers on the integration of different clauses to include in contracts, depending of their objective and of the activity field specificity. We also raise points of vigilance concerning the balance and viability of the contract.

Sometimes, assisting the client in his/her litigation allows to find an amicable solution to resolve the conflict thanks to the negotiation with the opposing party. On the contrary, the lawyer represents his/her client in a lawsuit. Generally, contractual liability disputes concern the obligation non-performance by one of the two parties (item sold defect, defect on provided services, payment defect, etc.) or the excessive breach of a contract. They result in the forced pursuit of the contract and/or the obtaining of damages.

  • Pre-contracts;
  • Unilateral promise;
  • Sales contracts;
  • Service contracts;
  • General Terms and Conditions of sale;
  • Rental contract;
  • Lease contract;
  • Employment contracts;
  • Commercial agency contracts;
  • Distribution contracts;
  • Partnership contracts;
  • Outsourcing contracts;
  • Computing contracts;
  • Trademark or software license agreement;
  • Trademark transfer agreement;
  • Partnership agreement;
  • Preference agreement.

They trusted us

Brilliant team. It’s a pleasure to work with a skilled, efficient and reliable law firm. Cases are taken VERY seriously. Jonathan and his associates are extremely efficient. I highly recommend them.

Alexandre Chombeau

Maitre Jonathan Bellaiche, the firm founder, is more than a lawyer, he’s a strategist, a chess player with a long-term vision who anticipates everything.

Thanks to him and his team.

Yanis Abbas

Responsiveness, a sense of service, determination and mastery of the subject… proven on several cases.

François T.

A golden law firm! Maître Zahedi, Maître Bellaiche and all the firm’s associates make up a great team of efficiency, integrity, professionalism and responsiveness. It’s great to be able to count on professionals who are committed and exemplary, adapting to often tight deadlines. With this law firm you can sleep soundly and peacefully, I fully recommend it and would like to thank Maître Zahedi once again for his efficiency and exemplary handling of our case.

Cécile LEDUC

Very warm welcome. A very straightforward professional. Very attentive and selfless. Very efficient. Many thanks.

Philippe J.

Magnificent firm 100% success on my procedures

Alex A.

The Goldwin firm,
met my expectations in more than just a professional way, we’re talking human here. Not paternalistic, the firm was able to answer questions, without fault, in an honest way, and this without prejudice, by principle of the laws, by principle simply. Thank you for everything.

Aby Turpin