• French Commercial Law lawyer

Competition lawyer

The Firm aims to be the partner of its professional clients and supports them in all stages of their activity. The Firm strives to have a close relationship with its clients, in order to better understand their situation, the issues related to their difficulty, and the various problems they encounter, and thus provide them with legal advice adapted to their needs. .

Competition lawyer

Whether it is an innovative company creating a market, or a company establishing itself in an already existing market, competition questions will inevitably arise for it. Thus, the practices developed in the course of the activity must comply with the strict rules of competition law. The application of this right, resulting from legislation of both European and national sources, calls for legal reasoning in the articulation of these regimes. The Firm, through its knowledge of the rules of internal law and European rules, appears to be the ideal actor to support you on your competition matters.

Any company, regardless of its size and the scope of its activity, is subject to these binding rules. The Competition Authority, alongside the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, monitors compliance and heavily sanctions companies that ignore them. In order to avoid any sanction, it is necessary to legally secure the activity of the company. In particular, as part of its development, the company may be required to conclude commercial partnership contracts. These contracts should be drafted with caution so as not to disclose anti-competitive practices. The assistance of a lawyer is therefore an alternative which is often decisive in order to avoid a sanction on the basis of competition law. The Firm is present at your side during all stages of your development:

– analysis of the relevant market;

– drafting of contractual documents in accordance with the regulations on anti-competitive practices;

– representation in the event of litigation before the competent courts;

The market, as well as trade relations, are subject to constant change, so that the activity of companies may be the subject of an investigation by the Competition Authority at any time. During this investigation procedure, the advice of a lawyer is a decisive asset in order to protect your rights, but also in order to respond as effectively as possible to the requests and observations of the officers in charge of the investigation. The Firm’s lawyers, through their knowledge of the procedures before the Competition Authority, ensure your representation and the defense of your interests during any procedure before the Competition Authority or the Directorate General for Competition and Consumption. and the repression of fraud, whether during the investigation or litigation phases.

While competition law governs the development of business activity, it also protects against malicious acts by competitors. The development of new technologies has had the effect of facilitating anti-competitive practices aimed at profiting from the competitive success of another company. Counterfeiting, reproduction or even appropriation of the distinctive signs of another company, misleading or comparative advertising, the means of harming a competitor’s business are legion. However, while the economic and financial impact of such practices may be less, their reputational consequences can be dramatic. Therefore, as soon as there is an anti-competitive risk against you, it should be stopped as soon as possible. When, despite amicable attempts to resolve the dispute, the practice does not cease, recourse to a lawyer turns out to be a decisive alternative in order to put an end to the infringement of your rights. Indeed, its quality gives it a legitimacy conducive to the rapid resolution of the conflict, and if necessary allows a legal solution to the dispute, which will end with the condemnation of the malicious competitor to pay you damages. The Firm supports and advises you in your actions, pre-litigation or litigation, and amicable settlement of the dispute.

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