- French New technologies Law lawyer
Intellectual property lawyer
Drafting and filing of patents, trademark registration, protection of designs, registration of a domain name, protection of distinctive signs, protection of intellectual works (literary work, musical track, song, drawing, painting, photography, etc. plastic realization), recognition of the authorship of a writing (literary work, written on social networks), defense of the rights of authors, performers, producers, publishing, counterfeiting, false advertising, comparative advertising, misleading use of distinctive signs, the firm’s lawyers are recognized and support you on intellectual property matters.
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Company or individual, the Firm advises you on the protection of your creations and ensures the recognition of your rights.
Industrial property :
The Firm provides legal advice to its clients and supports them in the development of their activity.
An innovative company, the Firm is at your side to promote your creation and your technical know-how and will be able to provide you with legal advice throughout the life of your patent:
– drafting of the patent, technical and legal document;
– procedures with the INPI: filing of the patent, establishment of the originality of the invention and / or technique, response to the observations of the INPI;
– litigation relating to the validity or infringement of your patented know-how.
In the event of a patent infringement, it is necessary to adopt a legal strategy quickly in order to ensure its effective protection. The Firm supports you in establishing and implementing this strategy and ensures your representation in your amicable dispute resolution, arbitration or litigation procedures before the competent courts.
Brand and distinctive signs
Faced with growing commercial competition, getting recognition has become a major issue for companies. Domain name, brands, distinctive signs are all assets to promote and preserve in order to develop its activity.
In the event of counterfeiting, use of your distinctive signs or parasitism, recourse to a lawyer is an alternative which is often decisive in resolving the conflict and defending your reputation.
In particular, the brand is the face of a company, ensures its influence and is the witness of know-how. The Firm’s expertise in the field of brands gives it legitimacy to advise you in the creation and monitoring of yours:
– identify the products and services that the trademark filing will cover;
– check the availability of the mark: the Firm supports you in order to identify any risks of confusion and to find the mark that will identify you;
– register the trademark and respond to objections from the INPI
Since the misleading use of a mark by others amounts to taking the merits of a company, and carries the risk of damaging its reputation, it is particularly important to put an end to any infringement of the exploitation. of a registered trademark. For this, recourse to a lawyer is conducive to implementing an appropriate strategy to put an end to such an infringement. The Firm is competent to assist you in your amicable or contentious procedures, tending to defend your brand.
The use of your distinctive signs or parasitism are all practices constituting an act of unfair competition, which can be seriously detrimental to you and threaten the development of your business. Stopping such behavior requires the advice of a lawyer, an alternative that is often decisive in resolving the conflict and upholding your reputation.
With its experience, the Firm has recognized expertise in the field of industrial property law and supports you during your various steps, litigation or not, whether during appraisals relating to your intangible assets or by insuring your representation before the competent courts.
Domain name
If the brand is the element of recognition par excellence of a product, and a fortiori of a company, its website is its showcase. This site is today a central element of the communication and marketing strategies of companies. As such, it is essential that it be legally protected against any malicious act. The Firm is able to assist you in:
– find an original domain name that is easily identifiable and complies with legal and regulatory requirements;
– proceed with the reservation of said domain name;
– ensure its protection through litigation procedures if necessary.
If the reservation of a domain name is based on a logic of “first come, first served”, this reservation does not translate a legal protection, and therefore leaves the website the target of abuse, whether by cybersquatters or competitors. “.Fr”, “.com”, “.org”, etc … All it takes is a slight change to your URL for an attacker to take ownership of the fruits of your labor. In these cases, an unfair competition action may be initiated, for which a lawyer is strongly recommended, if not necessary, in order to adopt a suitable strategy to end the practice. The Firm, through its expertise in digital law and new technologies, is a benchmark in the protection of your domain name.
Literary and artistic property law:
While technological innovation has enabled the rapid development of means of disseminating content, it is becoming increasingly easy to usurp the authorship of an original work and to claim the rights to it. What is more, the legislation is struggling to keep pace with the emergence of these new means of dissemination, which follow legislation that is often incomplete and confused. Whether graphic works or works of the mind, ranging from viral commentary on social networks to technical encyclopedias, effective protection of copyright and creators to ensure recognition of their Today more than ever, this work requires the assistance of a lawyer.
Through its expertise in digital law and new technologies and its experience in the literary and artistic field, the Firm is at the forefront of copyright protection in the light of technological innovation. Its expertise gives it legitimacy conducive to the rapid resolution of conflicts, in order to put an end to any infringement of your rights as quickly as possible and to ensure that you enjoy the fruits of your creations. The Cabinet will be able to anticipate legislative developments in this changing area in order to protect your interests in the best possible way.
Website protection:
Whether it represents the showcase of the company or a means of sharing its creations, the site is not only a simple digital construction, but also constitutes intellectual work, a real creation drawn from the imagination of a person. As such, it is qualified as a collective multimedia work, requiring special protection. In fact, being a work of creation, it is necessary to ensure the recognition of the copyright of its creator, but also the protection of its elements, whether it is its presentation, the software used for its design, of the source code, against any act of counterfeiting. In the event of partial or total reproduction of any of these elements, a lawyer allows the rapid resolution of the conflict and the cessation of the infringement of your interests. The Firm supports you in your procedures and ensures your representation before the competent bodies.
The Firm supports and advises companies and individuals in their actions, pre-litigation or litigation, for amicable collection.