- French Business Law lawyer
Lawyer for companies in difficulty
Opening of a safeguard procedure, receivership or liquidation, bridging or accelerated procedures, establishment of the list of creditors, declaration of suspension of payment, drafting of plans, restructuring, the Firm assists you from the first difficulties of your company.
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The activity of a company is subject to many hazards, whether economic, environmental or health, which are not always predictable. Thus, the company can experience a number of difficulties that could put it at risk. To prevent the situation from worsening and threatening the sustainability of the business, these difficulties should be prevented and addressed as soon as they arise. For this, a legal analysis of the situation of the company by a lawyer can be decisive and ensure the serene pursuit of the activity. The Firm, through its knowledge of its clients and the relationship of trust it strives to establish with its clients, supports its clients in order to find the most appropriate solution to the difficulties they encounter.
As a partner of companies, the Firm is present by their side at all stages of their activity, from their birth until the end of the activity. With its recognized expertise in insolvency law, the Firm supports you from the first difficulties encountered by your business. Whether it is anticipating or dealing with them, the Firm provides you with advice at all stages of the procedure:
– analyze the difficulties and determine the appropriate procedure;
– carry out the formalities with the competent courts for the opening of the procedure;
– discussing with procedural bodies and negotiating with creditors in order to protect the interests of clients;
– write plans adapted to your needs;
– organize the closure of the procedure.
While the legislator was keen to adapt to the issues facing businesses and offer them solutions to meet their needs, the resulting legislative arsenal has continued to grow in complexity. Safeguarding, receivership or judicial liquidation are all procedures with different regimes and objectives. Finding the solution to meet its difficulties can therefore become a challenge on top of the management of the company. The assistance of effective advice, in addition to being an obvious time saver, then appears decisive in defining the procedure that will best meet the needs of the business. The Firm supports your company in this legislative meander in order to offer you the solution that is most suited to you.
In addition, the length and complexity of bankruptcy proceedings can prove draining for company executives. Indeed, the monitoring of such a procedure requires constant attention, which is difficult to reconcile with the day-to-day management of the activity. The presence of a lawyer alongside the managers of the company is a major asset in defending your interests, especially as bankruptcy proceedings are locked into tight deadlines and demanding formalities. Its knowledge of the procedures, its responsiveness and its legal expertise allow the Firm to fully defend the interests of your company and to deal with uncertainties and to respond to the various requests that may arise during the procedure.
The closure of insolvency proceedings most often involves the making of commitments on the part of the company that has experienced difficulties, brought together in a plan. These commitments should not, however, be disproportionate to the situation of the company while allowing the continuation of the activity. Recourse to a lawyer when drawing up the plan is an alternative which often proves to be decisive in order to obtain a balance between the continuation of the activity and the necessary sacrifices: overly optimistic commitments, therefore unachievable, or insufficient, are a risk for that a new collective procedure opens and marks the definitive cessation of the activity. The Firm, by its proximity to its clients, has a precise knowledge of their situation, strengths and weaknesses, and appears as a partner of choice to define a plan adapted to their needs and determine the commitments that can be made and kept, while ensuring the sustainability of the company.
While the procedural bodies ensure that it runs smoothly, it nonetheless remains free from disputes, especially in relations with the company’s creditors. Reactivity is then decisive in order to put an end to a disagreement, which could otherwise weigh on the outcome of the procedure. If the disagreement turns into litigation, the best legal strategy to resolve it needs to be determined, in order to prevent the litigation from worsening the situation for the company. The firm supports you in defining this strategy and represents you in the event of legal developments in the conflict. The Firm supports and advises you during your pre-litigation, litigation or amicable procedures.