Tourism lawyer and AIRBNB - GOLDWIN Avocats
  • French Platform Law lawyer

Tourism lawyer and AIRBNB

The firm is an expert on AIRBNB regulations and is the source of the main case law in this area.

Tourism lawyer and AIRBNB

The firm is consulted by natural and legal persons all over the world regarding its expertise on tourist accommodation and AIRBNB regulations.

The firm’s references on regulations on furnished tourist accommodation illustrate the firm’s undeniable skills:

  • The firm was the first French firm to have obtained transaction records from the AIRBNB platform. Since then, he has been assisting a large number of landlords throughout France in order to be able to obtain transaction records allowing to know the exact number of subleases made by their tenant.
  • The firm is at the origin of the jurisprudence allowing the owners to recover the fruits illicitly perceived by their tenant and made recognize that the platform AIRBNB was a publisher of contents.
  • The firm defends the UMIH, the main French hotel confederation in its unfair competition action against the AIRBNB platform

He obtained convictions both with regard to the platform and to users for breaches of the applicable regulations.

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