French Business Law lawyer

Commercial litigation, writing of business contracts, unpaid debts, setting up companies, unfair competition, initiation of collective proceedings, mergers and acquisitions, creation of a distribution network, development of innovative projects, personnel management, finding commercial premises, international growth, website creation… Goldwin’s Firm business lawyers are partners of excellence, renowned for their support of professionals. Take advantage of our services and help your business grow.

When should you call on a business lawyer?

Professionals must constantly evolve to keep pace with the competition. Digitilisation and globalisation are making life more complex for French companies. In this way, if an unexpected event happens, you need to be able to deal with it quickly, in order to not slow your business progress. Rapidly evaluate the risks, find the right and quick solutions, identify the issue in legal terms, this is the everyday life role of a business lawyer alongside the business. To meet companies’ legal needs, the assistance of a business lawyer is a time-saving solution. Furthermore, taking advantage of the lawyer specialised in business law advices, avoids getting bogged down in time-consuming and costly legal consequences for the company. A company’s activity is composed of a multitude of subjects, each requiring a specific answer. The law covers all subjects,public or private. This is why our business law firm provides a 360° expertise on all subjects. Business law is complex, and it is becoming even more so. It covers a variety of different laws, each with its own rules. Those rules regularly evolve on the legislative aspect, requiring knowledge of French, European and international regulations. Facing this dense and very specific arsenal of legislation, the advice of a lawyer specialising in business law appears to be a necessity in order to provide the adapted company’s needs solutions.

What does a business lawyer do?

A business lawyer intervenes in both advisory and litigation. He/she becomes a privileged partner throughout the life of a company. Depending on the company, business law actually unites different specific branches of the law:

  • Protecting and optimising company premises through real estate law;
  • Securing patents, trademarks and technologies through intellectual property law;
  • Labor law to facilitate employee relations;
  • Tax law to optimise company results;
  • To be in order with the consumer protection, thanks to consumer law;
  • etc.

As a generalist in the world of business and private law, the business lawyer has a comprehensive vision of the expectations and problems of every company, from very small companies to big ones, including middle-sized companies and startups. Let’s take a closer look at the missions of a business lawyer in Paris. Here are the activities in which we intervene the most :

  • Breach of established commercial relations;
  • Negotiation and writing of employment contracts, commercial agreements and partnerships, as well as all contractual disputes related to the execution;
  • Shareholder relations, including the negotiation of partners’ agreements and the resolution of disputes between partners,
  • etc.

Our business law firm also knows how to innovate with the time. We were among the first to warn of the risks arising from digital platforms such as Airbnb. We are developing expertise in e-commerce business development, with the specificities of online distribution. Our firm supports digital companies to accelerate their development in a secure legal environment that respects personal data. The business world is in upheaval, and the law is sometimes slow to adapt. Our firm looks to the future, proposing creative and innovative legal solutions to secure their activities.


A legal answer adapted to each type of company

While the life of companies are marked by common milestones, their activity is varied and call for specific legal reasoning and choices.

The firm adapts to the needs and business sectors of its customers, particularly in the following areas:

  • Development of innovative projects: the development of new technologies requires securing the project by providing adapted legal solutions and anticipating possible legislative changes.
  • Internet activity: the firm was one of the first to develop a specialty in Internet law. Websites creation and protection, writing General Terms and Conditions of Use, legal notices, etc., all those subjects are advised by the Firm.
  • Transport operators: at the crossroads of numerous laws, the transport operators activity calls for specialised legal expertise. As specialists in transport issues, Cabinet Goldwin’s lawyers can provide you with advice adapted to your needs.
  • Self-employed: a special legal regime, the complexity of which can discourage self-employed professionals. Our lawyers are renowned experts in assisting the self-employed.
  • Public procurements: your business may lead to win public contract. Then, you will need a specialised legal support, an area of expertise for which the firm is renowned.

Furthermore, company growth sometimes calls for international expansion. Yet, such expansion requires knowledge of foreign laws and independent business practices.

If the help of a foreign lawyer is legitimate, often, its turns out expensive and complex, and the language barrier can be an obstacle to progress.

Thanks to its expertise in international law and with lawyers admitted to the New York’s Bar, the Firm supports its clients in their international projects.

Business life is not free from conflicts, true obstacle to the activity, which can sometimes paralyse it, particularly in the event of disputes between partners. Often, the assistance of a lawyer is a solution that turns out decisive in the event of a dispute. By virtue of his/her status, the lawyer is legitimate in finding a rapid solution to the cause of the disagreement between partners. If necessary, he can determine the most appropriate litigation strategy to resolve the dispute. Goldwin’s Firm is a renowned expert in commercial litigation. We help our clients to define an efficient and fair commercial strategy. In the event of failure to resolve disputes amicably, the firm represents its clients before the competent Courts. The firm assists and advises companies in their pre-litigious and litigious actions. Beyond litigation between partners, a business lawyer is skilled to provide an immediate answer and a perfect understanding of your needs. He/she shows teaching skills and is detached to allow company directors and managers to make the right decisions, in full awareness of the risks and stakes involved. His/her knowledge of the business world and the experience in the field make him/her a precious ally at companies’ side every day.

Goldwin Law Firm has an in-depth knowledge of the business world. Its experience with its professional clients provides you a meticulous follow-up of your cases and a reactive answer to your legal issues. The firm’s lawyers have an expertise in all the areas of business law, as well as in related fields, such as business criminal law and labor law. In this way, the firm offers you a single interlocutor to manage all your company’s problematic situations: its relations with employees, customers, competitors and business partners. Thanks to the diversity of its expertise, the firm handles the follow-up of all its clients’ business activities. Our lawyers know each client and the stakes of their activities. In this way, they can give them adapted advises. The firm supports its professional clients during the life of their company and in all aspects of their activity. Our lawyers can advise and assist you with all your legal issues:

From setting up a company to managing relations between partners, including management. Setting up a company and its legal framework is a crucial stage in the life of a business: writing statutes, shareholders’ agreements, general meetings…  A company management requires a regular legal follow-up. The mission of the Firm is to get to know its clients, in order to provide the follow-up and provide right answers to their business law needs.

The activity of the companies is based on their employees. In this way, conflicts with employees can have important consequences. Writing contractual documents, managing redundancies, mutual agreed termination of contract, resignations, relations with employee organisations and staff representative bodies such as the Business and Social Council, collective negotiations on pay conditions, etc… The Firm can assist you with all your labor law issues, including harassment cases, dismissal without real and serious cause, and irregular dismissal.


The development of a professional activity requires premises adapted to your needs. The Firm helps you for the negotiation of commercial lease, its conclusion, but also in the event of difficulties during its execution. The Firm well be by your side for commercial lease renewing, the transfer of commercial leases and leasehold rights.

We protect your know-how. In order to defend your interests and ensure the long-term future of your business, it’s essential to protect what makes it famous. Patents, trademark registrations, distinctive signs… To fight malicious practices (website counterfeiting, copyright usurpation or unfair competition), a legal answer is the best way to put a stop to any infringement of your rights. The firm is committed to defend your interests providing you its expertise. It implements monitoring competition tools in the filing of industrial and intellectual property rights. The firm reacts rapidly at the first sign of infringement to defend and protect your know-how.

Starting and developing a business involves acquiring market share. This process is governed by very precise rules. Often, in order to avoid possible sanctions, call on a lawyer is a necessary solution. We can help you define a legal strategy adapted to your commercial policy, and defend your interests. Its challenges your market position in the light of the law to secure your business.

The firm’s lawyers can help you develop your business, particularly when setting up distribution networks: transferring know-how, writing commercial contracts, business assets searches, leaving the franchise network, etc. These are all stages in which the firm can put its experience to good use.

Fraud, misappropriation of business assets, insider dealing… The offenses concerning companies directors or managers are technical. The intervention of a lawyer is essential in the event of litigation before a Criminal Court. Goldwin firm is composed by of lawyers specialised in business criminal law.


Business life is dotted with obstacles that can endanger your company’s activities. We assist you to manage your company’s difficulties. In this way, their quick resolution with adapted legal means is often decisive for the future of your business.


Our business law firm can help you to expand your business abroad. We are also by your side for any company transformation, change in share capital, merger and acquisition operation, etc.

They trusted us

Brilliant team. It’s a pleasure to work with a skilled, efficient and reliable law firm. Cases are taken VERY seriously. Jonathan and his associates are extremely efficient. I highly recommend them.

Alexandre Chombeau

Maitre Jonathan Bellaiche, the firm founder, is more than a lawyer, he’s a strategist, a chess player with a long-term vision who anticipates everything.

Thanks to him and his team.

Yanis Abbas

Responsiveness, a sense of service, determination and mastery of the subject… proven on several cases.

François T.

A golden law firm! Maître Zahedi, Maître Bellaiche and all the firm’s associates make up a great team of efficiency, integrity, professionalism and responsiveness. It’s great to be able to count on professionals who are committed and exemplary, adapting to often tight deadlines. With this law firm you can sleep soundly and peacefully, I fully recommend it and would like to thank Maître Zahedi once again for his efficiency and exemplary handling of our case.

Cécile LEDUC

Very warm welcome. A very straightforward professional. Very attentive and selfless. Very efficient. Many thanks.

Philippe J.

Magnificent firm 100% success on my procedures

Alex A.

The Goldwin firm,
met my expectations in more than just a professional way, we’re talking human here. Not paternalistic, the firm was able to answer questions, without fault, in an honest way, and this without prejudice, by principle of the laws, by principle simply. Thank you for everything.

Aby Turpin